Monday, April 5, 2010

Aloguinsan, Its Place Under the Sun

I was invited by a good friend Boboi Costas to the Launching of the Bojo River Eco-Cultural Tour.

While waiting for other participants, Abeth Cuizon of Cebu City Task Force on Street Children does her job, taking care of the street children.

After a little while we were on-board a mini-bus that took us about an hour and a half drive to the countryside  of Cebu. Exactly 73.2 kilometers away from Cebu City is the town of Aloguinsan.

Warm local hospitality meet us as we dis-embark from the mini-bus.
A leisurely walk by the riverbank.  

Budbud which is made from glutinous rice and local bread Pan Bisaya together with hot Sitwate was offered to us.

A brief on the importance of Mangrove Ecosystem serves as premier of the River Cruise.

A Tambalan, a local shaman casted away bad spirits from the river and prayed for our safe journey.

Well, they don't only rely on the Shaman for safety. 

1 comment:

  1. Ka Bino, thanks for these nice photos! Just saw them today, after almost a year. Copies, please... Boboi
